Sunday, January 25, 2009


I still think it's evil. It's a scary stalking tool.

Granted, I'm trying to harness some of it's evil power for good and get some involvement for our upcoming Relay For Life event. But still, I don't know what's more disturbing to me: That someone would accept a random friend request from someone they don't know, that people put up so much personal information, or that I felt like a stalker trying to find people in the community to get involved.

It is funny, however, to see how many high school seniors list beer pong as an interest or hobby. Oh children...

Perhaps I don't understand. Do you really need to get in contact with that kid who pushed you on the playground in 2nd grade (Thank you, Jonathan)? Or that punk who mercilessly harassed you throughout those awkward middle school years (Ricardo, you moron, I do hope your pumping gas somewhere instead of in jail or dead).

I can see wanting to keep in touch with people and I see how much easier this makes it. But I don't think everyone needs or even wants to know what I'm thinking at all times (Of course, you could just ask me). And if you are just going to use the mailing feature of of Facebook, why can't you send an email to begin with? Am I old-fashioned? Is "e-mail" actually old-fashioned now?


I admit I've been tempted and sometimes succumbed to the urge to see what my friends are doing. And who knows, maybe someday I'll have a change of heart. If I work up the gumption to move across the country where I'd be leaving everything behind, maybe then I'd yearn to be in touch with "everyone." Maybe then I'd want you all to know what I'm doing in a vain attempt to feel somehow connected.

For now though, I'd rather the dialogue. The rapid-fire bitching emails during work. The camaraderie over a few beers and some cheesy appetizers. Or just sitting there with the people I love around me.

Lame, Mikaroni, lame! Hahaha. Oh well. I never said I was cool.

1 comment:

Kate J said...

i love you. and i love all of those things you love - especially the cheese. but, yes, email IS old. and, to be honest, i still much rather pencil & paper.