Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wrap up meeting #1

So tonight was our Team Captain Wrap-up Meeting. We had the usual crew present (it's STILL frustrating to have 8 or 9 team captains show up when you actually have over 20 teams, but it's okay) and we were informed that we have currently raised over $51,800.00!! So awesome. We only need $3,200.00!! That's nothing--we're so close!!

I made a bulletin board at work to advertise the fact that my team had kicked so much butt. I had done this more to sort of toss it in the board's face, since they are notoriously against us and all that we do. I wanted to show them that we had come together and wiped up without ANY help from them. They probably didn't give a shit, and that's fine too. But I wanted my coworkers to know and be proud.

Then on Saturday, a patron actually came up to me and thanked me. Just a "Thank you so much for doing this." To know that someone who was not directly involved went out of their way to thank me. It was just... Wow. Hah.

I was even quoted in the paper (which is weird to see), and at a family party on Sunday there were some people who commended me for the speech I made day of that they kept hearing about. I felt sort of guilty, because it wasn't all improvised. But what was interesting was how they had heard about it from friends or friends of friends, since they hadn't actually been there.

And tonight, I was presented with the coveted "Platinum Team" lawn sign. Haha.

I guess I am a little proud after all.

Now how to top that?


Greg said...

By creating some kick-ass save-the-dates!

Kate J said...

you're so awesome!

(lol, greg.)