Saturday, February 13, 2010

Baby baby baby

There's no doubt that the brand new little niece has been a huge blessing in our family. Aside from the fact that she is the most adorable thing I've laid eyes on, she provides so much positive for us to dwell on. Our little 7 lb slugger is pushing back a lot of the worries and fears. Not to mention being a grandma is my mom's newest favorite pastime. (Screw you, cancer.)

It's surprising to me how long I can hold her, or sit there and stare at her even when she's sleeping. I'm amazed by her. (I also take great pride in the fact that I'm usually able to get her to stop crying! Although, I have yet to change a diaper solo.) She makes me laugh hysterically. I don't know how long it takes for babies to develop to the point where they recognize faces or voices or anything. But I talk to her, and sometimes she looks at me.

She also smiles for me. Most awesome thing ever. (Okay, it's probably gas, but let uncle have this little thing.)

I can't wait till we laugh together...

1 comment:

I Am Woody said...

I don't have children but I do have nieces - ages 5 and 2. Being an aunt is awesome! Especially when you have that baby mojo and can make them stop crying:) I love being the one with the soft touch. I love being the one they call to see if they can come over and play. Love, love, love it!!