Saturday, September 26, 2009



So, seeing as how I work in a library, and countless books of all shapes, sizes and genres pass through my fingers, I am exposed to lots of awesome, cool, disturbing, exciting, novel stuff. I'm like a literary whore.

Anyway, I currently sit here with Bobby Flay's Burgers, Fries and Shakes and am in awe. I am barely halfway through the burgers and can barely flip another page.

I love burgers just as much as the next guy. One of the best things about summer is the grill, and while fish and veggies and steaks and kabobs [and I'm going to stop there, lest I bore you with all the things I have eaten from off a grill this summer], a juicy cheeseburger is like home. Familiar, happy, satisfying. I'm hungry just thinking about it.

Cookbooks and things are always fun, but ONLY if they have pictures. After all, how can you tell you want to try dates stuffed with chorizo and goat cheese if you can't tell what it's going to look like? Bobby Flay doesn't use pictures of these burgers everywhere, but holy crap. These burgers are scandalous. Cheyenne Burger... Greek Burger... Sante Fe Burger... I'm not even saying these are so extraordinary or exotic. They just LOOK so amazing. Cheese oozing and dripping over fat burger, dribbling down crusty rolls, pooling on the plate.

Love it.

I don't think I can finish going through it though. It makes me hungry(er) and sort of sad that I wasn't more adventurous with this year's burgers. Perhaps I should just buy this book [we'll ignore the fact I've had this one for too long] and start experimenting.

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