Sunday, September 27, 2009

Image banking

Through the years, I have acquired hundreds of magazine clippings of people, animals, landscapes, architecture, etc to use as reference for various projects or illustrations. Since you never really know what the future holds, I would take anything that looked interesting, beautiful, disturbing, or just plain cool. Action shots, portraits, calm, chaotic. Literally, anything that caught my eye regardless of subject matter.

In the past month, I was approached about 2 possible freelance opportunities. One involves an orchard/bar/winery setting, another for a YA summer reading program involving water/waves. [They aren't really guaranteed jobs... Need to do some sketches and pass them along to see if we want to proceed. Which, of course, screams of "NO NO NO!! That's not the way to do it!!! But I know both clients, and I can't really say "No" without the guilt. And if anything, it will give me something to work on, right?]

Apparently, with all the imagery that I've taken the time to collect, I don't really have anything that encompasses either of these topics. I find it sort of funny and a bit frustrating. It's not that I don't have other resources available (um, library... internet... haha). While I can't really direct friends in reference shots anymore, I should be able to manage.

Side note: I don't think I fully appreciated the good humor and awesomeness of all my art school friends who would pretty much do anything as far as poses were concerned. To say that it is helpful to have people do whatever you want just so you have good reference material for a project is an understatement.

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