Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Yay! Come travel with us! Oh wait, you're single? Ooooo.... Yeah. About that..."

I have been looking into some tours/trips that include groups so I could get over my little ghetto-ness about "I'd rather not go somewhere cool and sit there by myself because I'm a loser" thing. It's sort of cool because there are seem to be a lot of things out there.

But guess what! If you are traveling alone, you get charged extra. As in $100 to $200 or more. Hahah, so you know when they say "Discounts available for group rates!"? Well, apparently sometimes it's also "Extra fees when you don't have anyone to go with!" [I could launch into my feelings about relationships and being single, or even how I liken this to celebrating anniversaries, but I will refrain for now.]

Good shit. I'd rather pay $200 towards a friend's trip then give it to some company/group/tour. Oh well.

So I think maybe I'm going to hack up that vacation instead of taking the whole week. I can try to shoot for something in the future and put a little more planning into it [whether that includes saving a few extra hundred for to travel alone or trying to get a friend or 2 to come with].

Tryin' to leave some options open, but we're coming down to the wire. Oh well...


Emily said...

maybe a backpacking or bike trip in Europe? Do hostels like the rich boarding school kids suppossedly do?

Kate J said...

oh geez. who know that idea would turn into such a frustrating hassle?

p.s. if this was facebook i would click "i like" for the title of this post. good thing it's not facebook.

mikaroni said...

Hahaaaaaaa.... facebook. Maybe I should twitter it instead.