Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Praying for...?

Last night before going to sleep, I actually prayed. As per my small crisis of faith, this is something I rarely do. But sometimes you just need to talk to someone, and options were few. [Besides, I ultimately believe in God--the all-loving one--and even though I might seem like a petulant child, there's a piece of me like still believes he listens.]

I prayed for my mom mostly, and I asked Him not to let her down.

I also prayed a bit for myself. For some guidance, for a sign. You know, all that kinda stuff that never really happens. Or that I over think and analyze away.

Well, I said my prayers, ending with the plea for a sign, for finding my way.

And what do I dream about?


That's right. Not "school" or "family" or "art" or even a frickin' library. Zombies.

So either:
1.) There will be some sort of zombie situation/outbreak/apocalypse and God is trying to warn me.


2.) He had a pretty nice laugh at my expense. [I'm actually okay with this, believe it or not.]

If there are zombies in the future, I apologize in advance for not warning you.


Kate J said...

zombies. hmmmmm.

Greg said...

What kind of zombies? Shaun of the Dead? Left 4 Dead? Grateful Dead?

mikaroni said...

I think that they were perhaps a cross between Shaun of the Dead and say Resident Evil. You know, scary just based on the fact that they were zombies, but sort of humorous too.

Unless that was just the sarcasm dripping over into the dream world.