Monday, March 16, 2009


Ever donate double red blood cells? I don't remember what the process is called, but it's sort of like a 2-for-1 donation (You're saving 2 lives instead of 1!). It's actually pretty cool, and while it takes a bit longer (30-40 minutes as opposed to 10-15), they've pretty much already pricked you. So why not, right?

I was a little worried because during my pre-donation tests, the dude was checking my pulse for 3 minutes. I'm sure it quickened a bit at the end, because all I could think was "Uhh.. What the hell could be wrong with me? Isn't this supposed to take 30 seconds or something?" Turns out he was making sure I was extra healthy so they could take the 2 bags outta me. Fun stuff!

Anyway, I found it funny how warm my blood was. After I got all hooked up to the machine that would separate my red blood cells from my plasma and white blood cells, the tubes were laying across my arm. When my juices started pumping out (that stuff moves fast!), I watched it spiral through the tubes and away from me. Farewell, blood!

Those tubes were warm! Now, I know we're what, 98.6 degrees or whatever. Obviously blood is going to be Siesta-key beach water worthy. Haha. Still, was unexpected. That's like, warm life pouring out of me.


I think you should donate blood. Not only are you pretty much saving a life, it's actually good for you. Helps clean out your circulatory pipes and stuff. Of course, I think the whole "saving a life" reason should be good enough. We should help each other, ya?

I'm actually thinking of signing up to be a bone marrow donor...

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