Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hey baby

One of my coworkers had a baby a few months ago and just came back to work today. She brought the baby in to introduce to everyone before she started, and holy crap is she adorable!

It was actually the highlight of my day. She introduced us, and the baby looked up at me from her mom's shoulder with these big blue eyes. Then she made that cute baby face, where everything kind of scrunches up and she totally smiled (and maybe baby-laughed? Haha, I haven't been around babies enough recently to know if it was some sort of baby laugh). So I laughed, probably more out of surprise or relief that she didn't start crying. And she smile/laughed again. Best "pleased-to-meet you" I've EVER received.

It was awesome.


Dylan Duncan said...

I want one. ahah

mikaroni said...

Hahaha easy there, D. They're pretty expensive. ;)