Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gallery reception

Today was the reception of the gallery I judged. It was a nice little event. Nothing too big or flashy. I did cause quite the stir with my selections. Some of those little ol' people are so cute when they're flustered.

"This one is BEAUTIFUL. This should have won. Who would even PICK that one?"

(Apparently I would, my good crone!)

"Francis, come here. This is the one I want. Why didn't this one win?"

(Because it's bathroom art. You can buy it and look at while you poop.)

I wanted to sort of mess around with them and have some fun. But that wouldn't have been very nice. Especially since I already rocked the foundation of what was considered to be beautiful. They were already convinced the judge was on crack! I love it. Haha.

Now I get to decide if I want to be part of this Artist Association. Of course, that might just be inviting more old-school, rigid-minded approaches from the 65+ crowd. I'd be the only one not old enough to collect social security! Though it might be fun to have my young-hooligan-ness dripping on their set ways. Good times.

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