Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Susan Boyle

I dislike American Idol and all reality TV as much as the next guy. I pretty much avoid it at all costs, especially since I live in reality, and while it's far from exciting or TV worthy, I don't really care to watch someone else's reality.

When the news of Susan Boyle first started going around last week or so, I didn't pay much attention to it. I heard that Simon what's-his-face was blown away by her performance or whatever, etc etc. Didn't really care about that either!

But then CNN put out an article about her, and I caught something else about all the hits the videos were getting on YouTube and all that. I succumbed and checked it out. And I'm actually not disappointed I did.

As I'm sure everyone else knows by now, Susan isn't the most attractive woman to grace a television screen. She was pretty awkward when she walked out onto the stage, and she joked around a bit, and people visibly made fun of her. I actually felt my stomach twist a little bit, and probably had some sympathy nervousness or whatever you'd like to consider it. How could one possibly forget what it feels like to be made fun of... or laughed at? What it feels like to put yourself out there and get beat down? And then the lady sang.

BAM. Stopped them short. Shut them up. Showed the "cool kids" what the deal is. I loved it. I felt vindicated for her, by her, through her. It was awesome. Not to mention that I thought she actually did very well and thought her song choice was pretty appropriate.

Of course, as all good news will do, CNN analyzed the beejesus out of it. The latest with the article Why we're fascinated by Susan Boyle. An interesting take on it, and thankfully one that didn't diminish my appreciation and respect for her. Whether or not she wins, I'm sure I'll catch another post somewhere. I hope she does.

I also think it would be a pretty good feeling to make money on those who shunned you. =)

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