Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Compassion, part 1

I think I'm going to try this out. Or if I have some more time later, look for something similar.

Like most people, I think I have a handle on empathy. I can pretty well put myself in someone else's shoes and more often than not, if I spend some time on it, I can even understand reasoning and actions, even when I don't agree with it.

But I feel I need to be more compassionate. I want to be more compassionate. Does this mean my sarcastic wit will suffer?

Possibly. =)

I also think I need to re-examine some of my relationships... The ones that have become more harmful than helpful. Perhaps this can go hand in hand?

We'll see.


Kate J said...

reevaluate relationships??

you'll be my friend forever, right? even if/when i'm awful? because, really, you make me a better person, and that's important.

Greg said...

Uh oh! Hope I make the cut!

mikaroni said...

Haha you're both pretty funny. I wouldn't worry about it too much!

Kate J said...

(we'd better. there's a wedding i'm realllly looking forward to, but it's still over a year away.)