Thursday, February 5, 2009

Doing my part to combat school violence.

Enter middle school-aged boy and slightly older sister. The chap would like to check out some books and hands me a card barely held together by some scotch tape. He kind of sheepishly smiles and explains how he lost it, and a friend found it but proceeded to bend it as he shoved it in his pocket.

I chuckle at the little fellow, tell him to be more careful, and proceed to check out his material. That is when I start to overhear the conversation he's having with his sister.

"He told me to hit him back, but he wasn't there," he said.
"You should have hit him. What are you going to do?" she asked.
I missed most of the next part of it but it sounded like an uncle told him to hit this kid that apparently started with him first.

Enter yours truly.

"So, you know you really shouldn't be hitting people, right?" I ask the kid.
"Yeah..." he replies.
"I don't want to tell you to disobey your elders or anything, but you should never resort to physical violence. You should be the bigger person."
"I know," he tells me.

Now, your boy mikaroni doesn't know what to do. Because it really isn't any of his business. Plus, the last thing he needs is some crazy, jacked-out dude coming after him because he tried to talk his family out of getting into a fight.

So what do I do?

I offer a deal. Albeit a small one, and one that I sadly expect my little friend to break.

"I'll make you a deal," I tell him. "You promise me you won't hit that kid, and I'll give you a new library card for free." (After all, who doesn't want a free library card?)

He asks if I'm serious, and I assure him that I am. I even take the new card out and show it to him.

He finally agrees with an "OK."



Big sister finally chimes in with a "He asked you to promise, you have to say you promise." He actually does.

Haha, rock on kids. Maybe I didn't really make a difference, but I at least made him think. Even if it was just for a little bit.

Of course, the kid and his entire family owe wicked fines and I got into a bit of trouble later. But it was worth it. :)


Greg said...

That's my karoni!

mikaroni said...

Hahahaha. Lame ;)

Greg said...

In all seriousness, good job. Who knows if he'll keep his promise in this instance, but he'll be thinking about it either way. That has a cumulative effect over time.

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