Friday, February 20, 2009

Hey dude, wanna buy an entertainment system?

Almost without fail, every place I've traveled to I've encountered at least one person who wanted to sell me drugs. In Florida, it was "something to tickle my nose with." In Oregon, I think it was your regular run-of-the-mill pot. In Cali, it was heroin. It's become sort of fun to see what I'll be offered next.

While I haven't been offered drugs recently, today as I was leaving the store a van pulled up next to me and a youngish guy leaned out the passenger side window to ask, "Excuse me dude, would you be interested in an entertainment system. I've got an extra one."

My tongue got the better of me and I asked him how much. (I think it was a combination of trying to do something so I wouldn't laugh and trying to be neighborly to someone addressing me.)

His friend leans over the steering wheel to tell me it's worth a few thousand dollars, and I can take a look at it and tell them how much I think it's worth. Original van man tells me he'll give it to me for "hundreds, or make a deal."

Oh, to be a random guy in a parking lot trying to fit dog food and bags into a car without dropping anything and with no visible backup or rent-a-cops in sight.

I also find funny that even had I trusted these upstanding citizens with an "extra" entertainment system to allow me to view their goods and not rob me or beat me or anything, I'd have absolutely no idea how much anything would cost.

Yay random people in vans.

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