Saturday, February 14, 2009


I received a phone call today from the local arts center in town... And they asked me to be the judge in the upcoming show! That's right. Not a judge, the judge.


Granted, I might have to finagle my way out of work for this (who cares?), but now I feel like I should brush up on some of my crit skills too. There will be both professional artists and amateurs in the upcoming show. Either way, I doubt I will know many of them. Which is a good thing when you're trying to objectively judge something that is influenced heavily by subjective impulses.

I think I talked her into three categories instead of just one best-in-show piece. The winners don't get any money (and neither do I!), just recognition. So why not? Plus, I think it's difficult to weigh an oil painting against a water color or a mixed media piece or even sculpture. It's like asking, which is a better piece, Starry Night or the Pieta. Okay, well it's not exactly like that. But you get what I'm saying.

Can't wait--should be exciting!

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