Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Captain

Unfortunately, my ACS staff partner's dad is not going to pull through. She's leaving again tomorrow to be with her family, and actually said she's not sure if she'd make it there in time to see him before he passed.

I feel awful, and not only because it's one of those shitty things that you can't do anything about. She apologized for leaving us again and promised she'd be back for our event. I tried to assure her I didn't need any apologies or promises. We're talking about family. That comes first, regardless of commitments or relays.

While she hopes to be back in a week or so, we do have another sub. This time at least we know the woman and she's pretty awesome. (And I'm confident will be a much more appropriate fill-in than the last one, who will still be a part of our stuff. Good times.) But as expected, a large brunt will again fall squarely on my co-chair and me.

I'm much more confident than when this happened last month. I feel like we're in a pretty good spot, and if the website is any indication, we are kicking ass. We have raised over $28,000 so far which is $11,000 more than last year's total online amount, and while we have 2 less teams we have about 30 more participants signed up so far. We're sitting pretty good.

I just really, really hope it all goes well. It's tough to pour so much of yourself into something and watch it wash away in the rain, or crumble under stress. I know my committee is ready to handle what we need to get the job done. I would like it more if I could count on the weather. Or the numbers to pull through.

It's the countdown now--23 days... 3 weeks from Saturday. (Yikes!) We're painting the town purple this weekend (with ribbons and banners... I'd prefer real paint but I think we'd get arrested for that) and have a bunch of fundraisers coming up. I am finding it interesting to be the cheerleader and coach when it comes to the teams and committees. All that positive reinforcement! Hahaha. I wonder if it makes a difference.

So here I go, staying the course...
Courageous, just like the captain
Marching forward with no doubt in his head
Here's hoping we rock it.


Greg said...

You're already rocking it, bro!

mikaroni said...

Thank you, good sir.